I've flown to San Antonio only three times now and this was the first time I didn't dread it.
The first time, back in my Private Pilot days, my instructor and I headed that way only to find lots of fluffy clouds covering the area, with an occasional (sucker) hole where we could see a highway leading to the airport, which was not exactly ideal VFR weather.
Flash forward a year to instrument training. As we began descending into SAT in solid IMC, the attitude indicatior slowly began leaning to the left at a rate of only a couple of degrees per minute...just enough to make you chalk up the disagreement with the rate-of-turn indicator to bumpy weather. That one ended up in and approach where we popped-out a hundred feet above minimums.
This time was different. The weather was interesting and the airplane had all its bits and pieces. We borrowed a courtesy car and went into town for lunch. All in all it was a success ... but I still dislike the burg.